
Triv is a syntax with only a few features. It's always intended to stay that way.

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(1) Default content

Content can go on the same line as the element, or on another:

(2) Literals

Triple-quotes (" or ') let you put HTML at the start of a line.

And: you don't have to watch out for colons or indentation.

Triple-backquotes (`) are for publication of HTML elements.


Elements are normally written as element statements, with a colon (:) — and sometimes as native HTML elements.

(3) Attributes

Element attributes can be specified essentially like a selector.

(4) Default elements

Set a default element name by empty attribute brackets.

Any element with a name omitted, marked with a colon (:) placement mark, assumes the default name.

(5) Self-closing elements

Elements with no closing tag must specify attribute brackets, even if empty, and a trailing forward slash (/).

A second forward slash (//) is for XML.

(6) Convenience native elements

Triple single-quotes are for shortened, convenience HTML elements.


(7) Default settings

Sections are really just h1's in div's, or if decorated with an ID mark (#), a div with an id attribute.

(8) Decorators

Each setting on the same line as the section title is a decorator.

Rename the elements, the title/id property, or add more attributes.

(9) Placement

Sections are placed within other sections by a matched level indicator around the title — brackets (shallower) or dots (deeper).

is equivalent to:

(10) Closing

Sections are optionally closed with a single ([]) or multiple sets of empty brackets ([[[]]])

A section reset ([]*) closes all sections.